


July 2, 2018
- Koto updated.

July 1, 2018
- Koto released.

May 23, 2018
No new releases from me yet, general site updates:
- Billy Two Moons and Ghetto Warmachine will no longer be hosted on the site.

- Affiliates page 'cleaned up'.

Most importantly, Reggie Skatore has been ported to Knuckle Fighter Alpha by Yotoman! You can download that version here (and his site is added to the affiliates page)

April 15, 2016
- Boomy The Cat officially released.

September 21, 2015
- Reggie Skatore updated.

September 16, 2015
- Reggie Skatore released.

April 28, 2015
- Black Glass (officially) released, some updates implemented.

October 27, 2013
- Diba released.

- Billy Two Moons slightly updated.

- AI patches from IX supplied for Heart Heat Harn, Billy Two Moons and Sun Wu Kong.

- Ioro updated by Ermacwon.

January 29, 2013
- Revamped the site yet again. Some sections will come back later (WIPs, 'general dumb things', etc)
- Hosted Ioro by Ermacwon.