For palettes, go into the Lethal League folder and go into resources/graphics/palettes/characters. There, you'll see folders with codenames on it, and for easy reference they mean:
boom = Sonata
candy = Candyman
croc = Latch
kid = Raptor
pong = Dice
robot = Switch
Regarding the numbers, go to 4 (for the singleplayer colors, haven't touched the team colors yet) and replace any of those with the palettes supplied. Right-click from the link and 'save as'.
For sounds, go to resources/audio/voiceover. The codenames are there as well. Extract the .rar files in the appropriate folders.
Patrick Chewing (from this commercial)
Shoma Sawamura (Rival Schools)
Shoma Sawamura (Rival Schools, for Raptor)